May 17, 2007


PRESENT: Sherrie Cottrell, Pastor Bill Shaw, JoAnne Gregorash, John Machonis, Marianne Rogenski, Bev Wilkes, Marshall Nystrom, Jerry McDaniel, Shirley McDaniel, Tristan Almazan and Cathy Mottar.


OPENING Prayer and Devotions:

Opening Prayer given by Sherrie Cottrell at 7:20 p.m.

Devotions:  JoAnne Gregorash provided the devotion on letting the Bible be there for us and for us to listen to God through the Bible.  3 Keys for Daily Living:  Daily Bible Reading is a source of Spiritual Bread, Study the Bible Daily, and Daily Bible Meditation.   Sherrie will recruit someone to provide the June devotion.


ADMINISTRATION:  Introductions and Approval of April, 2007 minutes.  John made the motion to approve the minutes as written and Jerry seconded the motion.


HUDDLE (Business of the Church)

Fund Raiser – Movie memorabilia update:  Tristan reported that the committee will be working on the project over the summer and into the fall to sell before Christmas.  They are considering various levels for distribution of the proceeds.  The group is still recording the items into inventory. 


Third Church Service 6:33:  We have gatherings through Thanksgiving planned and have ideas for series and services through June 2008.  We have reworked the first series slightly so that the stewardship drive in October fits in.  We are going to work hard through the summer to advertise and get the word out.

Natural Church Development (NCD): Sherrie reported that the committee has not met since the last ad council.  The most recent activity was the diversity presentation was conducted by Diep Nguyen discussing immigration on Tuesday, April 24th . (There were 55 attendees -mostly members).


Planning to re-survey the church to determine if our church needs have changed or any progress has been made in the area of needs based evangelism.  There will be 30 people requested to complete the survey.


NARTHEX:  Sherrie reported on behalf of the committee that it is trying to coordinate the timeline with the carpenter, electrician and building permit. 


Web Page & Calendar Review:  Jerry printed the full summer calendar and shared it with the group.  He shared a sample event (something that the entire church needs to be aware) calendar.  He asked that at a minimum the next 2 or 3 months should be defined to insure proper planning, resources, etcÉ are in place for the event.  It was requested to publish the calendar 6 months ahead on the website.



PastorÕs Report:  Pastor Bill shared that Micah Ministries has a ÒHunger GardenÓ behind the church.  Vacation Bible School is scheduled for the last week in June.  Anyone who wants to come even for one night is welcome.  There are some folks coming to help with the bilingual.  Voices of Light are starting again.  Ron Zemke has a new idea to incorporate the Voices of Light with the sermon series.  Caring Ministries has a meeting Monday night to discuss the Crop for a Cause.  ORUMC received $943 for Aids from Easter.  Pentecost Potluck is Sunday along with Graduate Recognition with a cake.


Director of DiscipleshipÕs (DOD) Report:  No Update


Youth Director Report:  
Graduate Recognition is this Sunday at the 10:30 service.  We are also having a cake for them at the Pentecost Potluck.  We will have a couple of activities over the summer--a game night and a scavenger hunt--both for jr. and sr. high students.  We will be working over the summer to figure out the youth program in the fall--as it will be in conjunction with 6:33.
ASP:  The team of 42 leaves on June 9 for Letcher County, KY.  Their 
Retreat is this weekend at Wesley Woods.
New Orleans:  No final number for this group yet.  There is a meeting on May
31 for all interested and I expect there to be more commitment at that time.  


WTTF:  No report. 

FINANCE: John reported that Congregational giving and tithes has been going up slowly each week.  They will be publishing a letter to the congregation reminding them that activities happen in the summer.

STAFF PARISH:  Tristan reported that the committee is working on the safe sanctuary (risk management) document to bring it current and they are making progress.  They will involve education and youth committees in this review.

They are working on getting the Ember Days band director.  Staff evaluations and reviews will be done over the summer.  New Staff Parish committee assignments are:  Dan Gire -- Bill Shaw, Jean Homeyer -- Donna Echtner, Scott Nordli --  Cathy Scott, Tristan Almazan -- Marriane Rogenski, Jack Arcurie -- Sophie Byrnes, Annette Brown -- Karen Moore, Ivan Gomez --  Marion, Jane Jesudos -- Carolyn Meneely 


MICAH MINISTRIES:  Next meeting will be May 29th at 7:30.

STEWARDSHIP:  Celebration Sunday is planned for October 28th.  Everyone from the Ad Board is requested to be there for the Celebration.  October 18th will be the Leaders meeting.

TRUSTEES: Bev reported that Jim will do a walk thru with T-Mobile prior to any work being done next week.  She also reported that clean up Saturday went well – sanctuary chairs cleaned, blinds cleaned, kitchen cleaned, etc...  Jim Naatz to add another outside water spigot.  Marshall did move a couple of light switches.

NOMINATIONS:  No report.

UMW:  Sherrie reported that the rummage sale was quite successful.  There was about a $4,000 profit, which will be donated to charity in the fall. 

UMM:  Marshall Nystrom reported that the menÕs pizza sale was a success and they made $370 which almost covered the rentals on the trailers.  

EVANGELISM:  Shirley reported that 13 letters were sent out inviting to Pizza with the Pastor and 3 have come.  There will be some new members this Sunday brought into the church (2 women and a family).

EDUCATION:  Summer Sunday school starts on June 3rd.  They are looking for teachers.

MUSIC/WORSHIP:  No report.

LAY LEADER:  JoAnne reported that there are several guest speakers coming.  Topics for the summer will be spirituality and spiritual disciplines and there will be various people speaking such as Doug MeNeely, Shelomi Gomez, Shawn Kafadar (from Friendship Village), Sharon Clermont and Cathy Scott.


CARING MINISTRIES:  Next meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on May 21st. 

FAMILY MINISTRY:  Jerry reported on behalf of Gwen that on Tuesday, June 12th, 7pm Chicago Boyz acrobats will be performing at Schaumburg Town Square.  Then Saturday, June 16th, fishing expedition 9 – 11am (raindate June 23rd) at the lake by the Police Station (Volkening Lake).  On Wednesday, July 4th, planning to attend the Hoffman Estates Fourth of July Parade.



The meeting was adjourned with a prayer by at 8:22 p.m.


Next Ad Council Meeting will be June 21st at 7:15 p.m.


Respectfully submitted by Cathy Mottar